Readings with me can happen in-person or by distance. Either way, you set an intention for the reading based on the questions or uncertainties that are on your heart and mind. Don’t worry, I will coach you through the process of setting an intention if you’re not sure what to focus on or where to start!
A combination of decks are used to deepen your connection to yourself and the natural world, and receive practical guidance and ancient wisdom that will be very specific and personal to you.
These readings are very open-ended and work well if you don’t have a specific question in mind, but instead find yourself craving clarity, encouragement, connection or grounding. (If yoga, meditation, art or journalling is part of your self-care practices, you already know what this craving or longing can feel like. Listen.)
Tarot readings are useful if you have a specific question or aspect of life that you’re looking for more guidance on.
You will choose the Tarot spread, after I explain the meaning of each, and you will select your cards as well. The spreads vary and are well-suited to personal development and self-understanding, health, decision-making and crossroads.
I will review the cards you’ve chosen, contemplate their meaning in the context of the spread you selected, and share that insight with you.
The Akashic Records are a dimension of consciousness that contains a vibrational record of every soul and its journey. This spiritual resource allows us to gain insight, guidance, understanding and wisdom. Akashic Record Readings can help you examine a situation; see what’s true for you and help you decide what is in your highest good at this time. Click here to discover more.
This all-inclusive package option is well-suited to those who have had a spiritual reading before (although not necessarily with me), and are craving a deeper dive into their journey, inner joy and personal understanding.
We would begin with an oracle reading and angel reading, followed by an Akashic record reading. Additional decks or gifts may be included as insights emerge and the messages meant for you become more clear.
My work is a divine calling; therefore I never want finances to be a barrier to you receiving the support, love and guidance you deserve. Please, if you feel drawn to what you are reading here, send me an email and we will chat.